Reducing food waste starts by knocking next door.
Food Next Door is for anyone who cares about the environment and craves community. By connecting up neighbours in an accessible, free and easy digital space, we offer a platform for you to share food that would typically end up as waste.
Food Next Door wants to bring back the values that have been lost or forgotten, trust and respect between neighbours, a feeling of community and safety and a shared love and respect for your environment. We hope this will inspire change in the roots of society and create a better world for us all.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in topics related to inequality, global warming and resource allocation. I’ve always believed that sharing could be a solution for a more equal world and to best distribute our resources.
I realised it was hard changing the way we consume simply because organisations' goals are to sell more with the objective of making the most money, pushing us to buy in unreasonably large quantities.
The more we produce, the more we consume. And the more we're wasting.
The idea around Food Next Door is that if we, as individuals, don't change together, the way we consume, nothing will change. We'll continue throwing away food which could have been used to feed the hungry.
With Food Next Door, sharing is made easy.
Every neighbourhood can now have a dedicated space to share surplus, ask for a small portion of food (not available in small quantities in food stores) - and save food in less than 2 minutes.
We just have to knock next door to benefit from the surplus of our neighbours.
Food Next Door is about joining forces, on an ultra-localised basis - facilitating proximity for a greater impact.
Expanding by communities of neighbours not only guarantees that food is saved: it also reconnects neighbours to each other - building lasting bonds based on trust.
I'm excited to invest myself in this project and be able to help London stop food waste.
At least, we'll have this box ticked.
Join the Food Next Door movement.